SuperMarquee Version 1.4

SuperMarquee Version 1.4

SuperMarquee Version 1.4 is out. The new version now supports RSS feeds. The feeds are fully customizable via templates. We will cover all details in an own tutorial post later.

The full changelog of version 1.4 is as follows:

  • ADDED: RSS feed loader
  • ADDED: RSS feed template engine
  • FIXED: Whitespace handling

Migration steps from 1.3 to 1.4:

  • none … just update 😉

Feel free to drop us a line if you encounter any problems or if you have any questions.

Useful Links:


The No.1 Marquee web solution.

SuperMarquee is the super smooth marquee web component for your applications.

The library supports all modern frontend technologies and frameworks (Angular, Javascript, jQuery, React, Svelte, Vue.js, WebComponents).